Employee Engagement
The importance of employee engagement cannot be understated. Successful employee engagement attracts and retains top talent. If you're organization is struggling, let's first look at issues with your employees and, if they are struggling, find ways to engage them in the success of the business.

Patient Care
Patient care is at the forefront of what you do. Put simply, if your patient care is sub-standard, you will fail. Let Washko & Associates help by analyzing your patient care and identifying issues that need mitigating before it's too late. Once identified, we'll implement the required changes together.

Financial Sustainability
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Why is your organization failing?
Most managers we work with do not know the answer to this difficult question. There can be a myriad reasons why your organziation is failing. All you know is that your reports are showing a drop in revenue or an increase in costs. Let us help you find the answer to this important question and develop a long-term solution to fix it.
Genesis Health
Project Highlights: Comprehensive system review of all functional domains, Executive mentoring, Recommendations for financial and operational stabilization, Revenue cycle management enhancements, Strategic Planning, Strategy for growth and development.
Project Highlights: Comprehensive system review of all functional domains, Executive mentoring, Recommendations for financial and operational stabilization, Revenue cycle management enhancements, Strategic Planning, Strategy for growth and development.
Project Highlights: Assessment and recommendations for long-term sustainability of the MEDIC EMS system, EMS System Design Analysis, Project includes the potential conversion of MEDIC from NFP entity to a quasi-governmental entity under IA law.
Where to See Washko & Associates in Action
View a list of Washko & Associates direct consulting projects and clients grouped by provision type.